Dr. Anita Chalka
English Literature
Ph.D, M.Phil, M.A, B.Ed, B.A(Hons.)
- Name:- Dr. Anita Chalka
- Department:- STME (Communication Skills)
- Educational Qualification (Highest to Lowest):- Ph.D, M.Phil, M.A, B.Ed, B.A(Hons.)
- Area of Specialization:- English Literature and English Language Teaching. Communication Skills.
- Total Work Experience:-
- Teaching:- Eight Years
- Industry:-
- Certifications/Diploma:- NO
- Professional Membership:- NO
- Awards & Achievements:- Was a Doctoral Research Student Member of DPGC (Departmental Post Graduate & PhD Scholars Committee) HSS Department at MNIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
- Active participation in the ‘HUMPALS,’ a peer learning activity organised by HSS Department, MNIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
- Active Participation in Various activities like Theme- Development, Play Reading etc held in the English Department, University of Rajasthan, India.
- Was a member of Winner Team of Basketball at College Level.
- Was selected for National Team of Handball at College Level.
- Active Member of NSS at College Level.
- Email ID- anita.chalka@nmims.edu
- Total Conference Attended National & International:-
- YRC International Conference organised by GGSIPU Delhi and JNU, Delhi on the topic ‘Women: The Othered and Marginalized Speak’ held in March, 2021.
- 2nd Pan NIT HSS ICRTGR held at MNIT, titled, ‘Resilience and Renewal: Objectified Portrayal of Women in Maya Angelou’s autobiographical Writings.’
- the International Conference on Women Empowerment, Education and Social Sciences (IMRF) at Goa, India, titled, ‘Objectified and Distraught: Kitty in Arthur Miller’s Finishing the Picture.’
- ELT@I, 4th International Conference supported by British Council, held in Jaipur, India, titled ‘Cultural Identity and Cultural Assimilation.’
- IMRF (International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation) International Conference held at Goa, India, on the topic ‘Feminism, Women Empowerment and Gender Studies’ in 2018.
- (Number with details)
- Total Patents :-(0)
- Total Book Published: - (0)
- Total Book Chapters:- (1- book chapter in the book published by Ethics International Press, London, UK.)
- Total Publications:- (3) 1. IMRF (International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation Journal- , ‘Objectified and Distraught: Kitty in Arthur Miller’s Finishing the Picture.’
- ‘Feminism, Women Empowerment and Gender Studies’ in 2018.
- book chapter in the book published by Ethics International Press, London, UK.
- Total Research :- (Number with details)
- Total Webinar/Workshops/FDPs Attended: –
- Attended one week programme, ‘The Nordic Summer school’, organised by Jean Monnet Module, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Nordic Centre India, in April, 2021
- Was a member of the Organizing committee of an ‘E-Short-Term Course on ‘The Art of Writing Research Articles and Scholarly Publications in English Language and Literature,’ organised by Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, NIT-Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh in 2024.
- Participated in and was a member of Organizing Committee of an E-Short Term Course on ‘Mixed Method Research for Social Sciences and Public policy,’ organized by DoHSS, NIT-Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
- Participated in the AICTE, (TEQIP) recognised Short Term Course on ‘Empowering Engineers through Communication Skills’ organised at MNIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
- Participated and contributed in the organising of workshop on ‘Best Practices for Integrity in Research’ MNIT, 2020.
- Was a student member of the organising committee of the International Conference, ICRTGR, Pan NIT Conference, MNIT Jaipur.
- Participated in International Webinar organised by B. K. Birla College. on ‘Gender and Race Burden in African- American Literature by Dr. Eugene Ngezem, USA, 2020.
- Was one of the Organizing co-ordinators of One Week National Faculty Development Program (FDP) on the theme: "Generative AI: Transforming Innovation in Technology and Education" organised by the School of Technology, Management and Engineering (STME), NMIMS, Indore.