Dr. Neelam Gupta
Ph.D. (IIT Bombay)
- Name:- Neelam Gupta
- Department:- STME(Mathematics)
- Educational Qualification (Highest to Lowest):- Ph.D. (IIT Bombay)
- Area of Specialization:-
- Partial Differential Equations
- Nonlinear Waves
- Fluid Mechanics
- Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
- Total Work Experience:- 5 Years
- Teaching:- 4.5 Years
- Industry:- 3 Years Postdoc from IIT Kanpur.
- Certifications/Diploma:- Nil
- Professional Membership:-
- Awards & Achievements:-
- NBHM Travel Grant to attend ICIAM 2015
- SIAM Travel Award 2015
- DST Travel Grant to participate in ‘SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations 2015’ held in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
- Qualified CSIR-NET in 2008
- Secured GATE AIR 110 in 2009
- NBHM Postdoctoral Fellowship 2016
- Reviewer of the journal "Physics of Fluids” by AIP Publishing (United States)
- Email ID:- Gupta@nmims.edu
- Total Conference Attended National & International:- (Number with details)
- "Nonlinear Wave-Diffraction in Real Fuids” in SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations held in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, December 07-10, 2015.
- "Dissipative waves with mixed nonlinearity in real fluids”in The International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) held at China National Convention Center, Beijing, China, August 10-14, 2015.
- Conference on IndianWomen and Mathematics, April 02-04, 2015, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
- "Diffraction and Reflection of a Weak Shock at a Right-Angled Wedge in real fluids” in SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures held at University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, August 11-14, 2014.
- Total Patents :-( Number with details) Nil
- Total Book Published: - (Number with details) Nil
- Total Book Chapters:- (Number with details) Nil
- Total Publications:- (Number with details)
- Gupta, N., Sharma, V. D. "On shock reflection-diffraction in a van der Waals gas”, Studies in Applied Mathematics, Volume 135, Issue 2, pages 171–195, 2015.
- Gupta, N., Sharma, V. D. "Diffraction of a weak shock by a wedge in a van der Waals gas”, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 81, pages 824–841, 2016.
- Gupta, N., Sharma, V. D. "Dissipative waves in real gases”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Volume 95, pages 242–247, 2017.
4. Total Research :- (Number with details)
5. Total Webinar/Workshops/FDPs Attended: – (Number with details)
- Completed 2-weeks refresher course on Refresher course in Mathematics (Theme:Python & Vedic Mathematics) July 13 - 26, 2023, Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, India.
- Completed a 4-Week Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education, Jan 20 - Feb 18, 2023, Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, India.
- Statistical Analysis with R, April 04-08, 2022, SRM University, Delhi-NCR, Sonepat, Haryana, India.
- GIAN Course on Computational Cardio-Vascular Fluid Dynamics, Feb 07-11, 2017, IIT Kanpur, India.
- National Board of Higher Mathematics ATM Workshop on PDE and Mechanics, June 03-15, 2013, JUIT, Himachal Pradesh, India.
- NPDE-TCA(National Program on Differential Equations: Theory, Computation & Applications), June-2012, March-2013 & May-2013, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
- AISM (Advanced Instructional School in Mechanics), December 5-24, 2011, Central University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India.
- Indo UK Symposium on Recent Advances in Industrial & Applied Mathematics, November-2011, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.